Carrot Cucumber Ribbon Salad with Roasted Simsim(Sesame) Leave a comment

After wondering whether we would ever see rain, it finally came. Its amazing what two(plus) weeks of rain can do to dry land. It’s as if the land was never dry at all. The grass is so green, the sun rays are more golden, the flowers are in full bloom and everyone hates the mud that comes along with the rain is in the mood of getting back to tending their backyard gardens! Such a wonderful time. Even the markets are filled with beautiful vegetables at a much lesser price! It was only fitting to share a salad.

It was in 2013 October when I lost my camera(I even wrote about it here). I was so devastated since it was one I got from actually working really hard. But in losing that camera, I gained an even greater thing(I am realizing this almost two years later!!), the peeler. it is incredible what a peeler can do besides reducing the work when it come to peeling foods like sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, mangoes, cucumbers, carrots…I could go on and on. I urge you to purchase a peeler and experiment with it. You will not be disappointed. This salad is inspired by the freshness of the land now that it has been rained on(finally!).

What you will need:

3 Cucumbers

3 Carrots(large)

1 Small onion

1 Tsp. Lemon juice



Wash the cucumbers and carrots well and dry. Using a peeler, Peel the outer layer of the carrots and discard it. Continue peeling the carrots in a bowl till you reach the stalk. In the same bowl, using a peeler, peel the cucumbers, leaving the outer covering on.  Next, thinly slice the onion lengthwise and add it in the bowl. Add the lemon juice and mix well till all strands of carrots  onion and cucumbers are mixed.  Chill for 10 minutes. Before serving, garnish with roasted simsim (sesame). read more

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