Nigerian Buka Stew Recipe: Video Recipe Leave a comment

Nigerian Buka Stew recipe is one of the most viewed recipes on this blog. Earlier this month, I got to record a video recipe for my YouTube Channel and thought I’d share it on here. The recipe is a little bit different from the Buka Stew recipe posted on the blog in 2015 but it promises to deliver on taste, just like the previous recipe. Recipe link here:

For this recipe, you can mix and match your peppers. You may choose to use a mixture of red and green bell peppers like i did in my earlier recipe. You may also roast your peppers before blending, it’s up to you.

Buka Stew Video here:

Ingredients For Nigerian Buka Stew:
Boiled Assorted Meats- Beef, Goat Meat, Cow Foot, Ponmo and Offals are ideal
Vegetable Oil

Bleached Palm Oil
Chicken or Meat Broth
4 Big Bell Peppers (Tatashe)
4 Tomatoes
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